Saturday, July 19, 2014


I am back from Seattle and officially signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in Disneyworld! It's a big jump to go from 5ks to a half marathon, but I loved my last Run Disney event so much that I've been wanting to do another one. When my cousin mentioned she wanted to do this run, I was already considering the Tinkerbell Half as it now lands on my birthday weekend. I wanted to try something new though, so I'm getting excited to run like a Princess! My cousin Amanda and I have always been pretty close despite living on opposite sides of the country, and it's been years since our last trip to Disneyworld. I'm more than excited to see if Disneyworld is as amazing as I remember, but I'm trying to get excited for the run too.

I'm sure the tutus help.
I'm currently on week 2 of the Couch to 5k Plan, and so far I'm feeling good. Well, I'm not dying which is good. On my last run, I walked five minutes and then ran for five minutes for half an hour. Sounds easy like that, no? By the last running cycle I was kicking myself for thinking this would be a breeze! I have a few tricks to make it more bearable that I'll share with my next workout!

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